Listings in Dundee
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Dundee

A science fiction fan and Nintendo player. I have never really played any tabletop games.
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Dundee Library Wargames Club
The purpose of Dundee Wargames Club is to provide an opportunity for teens and young adults to enjoy wargaming at the Dundee Library. Club members vote on the game to be played at each session, which take place every two weeks.
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Elease K
"I'm looking for a couple of players to play D&D with (in person or online) - I used to play a long time ago, but it's been a while and I'm looking to get back into it!"
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Hi everyone, I'm new to Angus and looking to find a Pathfinder group to join and hopefully make some new friends!
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