Listings in Angus

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Angus

All listings in Angus

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Added 27 days ago

David (Dundee)

A science fiction fan and Nintendo player. I have never really played any tabletop games.

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Glenn (Arbroath)

Used to play a lot of White Wolf TTRPGs in Uni, mostly old WoD {Vampire the Masquerade, but also Mage the Ascension). Played some Exalted also, some Stargate and some Fate based games. I'm looking to join a group local to Arbroath, I'm not set on any specific system, it's been quite a while since I last played routinely that I'd have to relearn everything anyway. I do have work common (NHS) that mean I won't be able to make some games, though if evening based this should be infrequent. I'm really just looking for a group for a bit of a fun, relaxed game where I can enjoy a bit of escapism.

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Kirriemuir Wargames Club (Kirriemuir)

Our club focuses on a wide range of historical figures, from eras including ancient times, the Middle Ages, the Horse and Musket Period, Napoleonics, and World War Two. Not only that, we also actively involve board gamers and fantasy/sci-fi wargamers as members, and are even open to one-off wargaming sessions. We meet on different Friday nights and Sunday mornings/afternoons (the times are 7-10pm and 10am-4pm, respectively). To learn more, please visit our website -

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Angus Wargames Club (Forfar)

This club meets on Mondays and Saturdays from 7 to 11 pm at the Boys' Brigade Hall. Among other activities, they've run the annual wargames show, SKELP, since 1986. New members aged 12 and older are very welcome, so come join them!

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Dundee Library Wargames Club (Dundee)

The purpose of Dundee Wargames Club is to provide an opportunity for teens and young adults to enjoy wargaming at the Dundee Library. Club members vote on the game to be played at each session, which take place every two weeks.

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Kampf Gruppe OST Bervie (Montrose)

This local group of players extends from Montrose to Stonehaven and welcomes players of all levels to participate in board games, role-playing games, and trading card games.

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