Listings in Angus

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Angus

All listings in Angus

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Added 23 days ago

Blue2545 (Arbroath)

I have a load of board games and no one to play them with, certainly not anything local or regular. I like dungeon crawler games but also play anything.

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Hastrop (Forfar)

I like playing tabletop and card games for fun.

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never give up (Montrose)

I like to play tabletop games and card games for fun

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David (Dundee)

A science fiction fan and Nintendo player. I have never really played any tabletop games.

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Glenn (Arbroath)

Used to play a lot of White Wolf TTRPGs in Uni, mostly old WoD {Vampire the Masquerade, but also Mage the Ascension). Played some Exalted also, some Stargate and some Fate based games. I'm looking to join a group local to Arbroath, I'm not set on any specific system, it's been quite a while since I last played routinely that I'd have to relearn everything anyway. I do have work common (NHS) that mean I won't be able to make some games, though if evening based this should be infrequent. I'm really just looking for a group for a bit of a fun, relaxed game where I can enjoy a bit of escapism.

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