Listings in Holt
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Holt

Lansing Web Meetup
BKRPView 141 more Come join fellow local developers and designers at Lansing Web Meetups! These are great moments to learn from each other, take a look at how they use tools and languages, exchange career advice and create a stronger web development community. At each of these meetings, there will be 45 minutes to socialize, with refreshments provided. Afterwards, a talk or code-along presentation will follow, with topics planned out ahead of time. However, if you have an idea for a subject that you wish to discuss, feel free to let us know! Participating in the past has been a great experience for everyone, with 121 events gone by and 897 members.
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Lansing Area Outdoor Enthusiasts
Wor...Join us for outdoor activities and events with other people! We mostly organize adult-focused outings, but also plan a few family trips. For event-organizing privileges, contact the group organizer. Membership is $3 per calendar year. Upcoming events include Pickleball Fridays, Pickleball Mondays, Wednesday's Walk/Hike and Thursday Tennis.
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Looking for a new player to join an old-school D&D game in the Norfolk area - dusting off the books and ready to roll!
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