Listings in Durham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Durham

Have played a couple of times before. Looking for group in-person (Durham-based) or online.
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GM with over 30 years RPG experience, now a RPG festival organiser. Any level of experience welcome, even total novices. Message me for more info I run a group who meet Sundays in Meadowfield, 4-8 pm currently have three tables, but have room for a 4th.
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Uni student that tried out D&D for a few months a couple years ago - loved it! Sadly lots of people moved away so the group disbanded. Looking to join a game here as a beginner, but not completely new to it! Happy to join an ongoing campaign or start fresh. Would be able to join from end Aug.
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Hi there im just new to the UK and started with 40k and wanted to meet some people to have matches with nothing super competitive. Btw im in Middlesbrough if that matters.
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Have played board games / RPGs since my teenage years. Looking for clubs that play Call of Cthulhu, Bushido, Alien RPG, and board games.
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