Listings in Bishop Auckland

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Bishop Auckland

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Played dnd for a few years now, we play 5e and run a mix of homebrew and off the shelf campaigns. I Dm the campaign and am looking for players to join. We play in person. Please message if you would like to join.

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Very new to dnd had a small try at the starter set with my son would really like to get into a full campaign I'd like an adult group

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I've been playing TTRPG for 25+ years. I started with Advanced D&D 2nd Ed. as a player before moving to Pathfinder 1st Ed. as a GM about 8 years ago. I've played both in-person as well as online, and I enjoy both. I've recently been playing solo games using Savage Worlds. I'm interested in giving Ironsworn/Starforged a go as well as a few other games I've collected, such as Alien RPG and Bladerunner. I'm married and have 2 little kobolds (or children if you prefer) so time can be a little difficult to come by, but I'm hoping to find a semi-consistent group locally.

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See also