Listings in Bexhill-on-Sea
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Bexhill-on-Sea

Been playing RPGs off and on since the late 1970s and now I've taken early retirement am keen to relive my wasted youth and roll some funny shaped dice. Games I am most familiar with and interested in would be Traveller, RuneQuest, Warhammer and Call of Cthulhu but will try anything. Don't drive but happy to travel anywhere the train goes from Bexhill (Hastings, Lewes, Eastbourne, Battle etc)
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Hiya, Middle-aged guy who used to roleplaying, warhammer, board games back in the day, would love to again. Looking for a good gaming group.
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goose recluse
I used to play Pathfinder, and 5E more recently. I've tried a mishmash of other things. I feel pretty open to different games, will probably have to learn most things. I'm pretty easy going and friendly, but I do have ADHD and probably some autism, hopefully that's workable. I am fine with rejection I think, just want honesty. I can't drive at the moment, so distance is limited in person.
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Famous Collectables
Fancy a fun night of gaming? Thursdays from 6 pm until 9:30 pm come to Famous Collectables on 19 Western Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 1DU where, for a pound, you can play at the fortnightly gaming nights. For more info, follow the Facebook group:
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