Listings in Battle
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Battle

Do you have a dream to be a daring explorer of magical realms? Have you ever wished you were an elf wizard or a brawny yet gentle half-orc? Then come and play the world's best role-playing game - Dungeons and Dragons! (as well as other RPG systems!) We host weekly events here in Atlanta several nights a week. We want to make our games as inclusive as possible by removing as many barriers to entry as we can for new players. Newcomers don't need to bring a thing - we'll provide free dice and character sheets for everyone who's new to the game, and all levels of expertise are more than welcome. Here's how it works: when you show up, you'll find offers for our regular, low-commitment, beginner-friendly one-shot games. Just pick the game that piques your interest the most and your DM and our volunteers can help you out with the rules. Afterwards, if you enjoy the event and would like to come back, you can join one of the existing campaigns in our community. For those interested in being a Dungeon Master, you don't need to schedule any of your one-shots in advance - just come by our Happy Hour before 7:00 PM and start pitching. Also, by running a game, you can also take advantage of our DM Token system - players can give you tokens which can be turned into gift cards! So if you're interested in having a good time, socializing with new people, and learning the game, be sure to join us every week! And don't forget to join our Discord community as well!
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Boardgames in Norcross/Peachtree Corners
essageWelcome, Gamers! Our group has been meeting for some time now with the aim of providing a safe and fun environment for gamers to enjoy board and card games together. Every week we have a selection of 100 games to choose from at the Tavern at Medlock, which presents its own back room for us and furnishes good food and drinks for our convenience. Every Saturday we’ve got around 25 people showing up at the Galla's Pizza Room by 2pm, many of them coming back in the evening for dinner and a game. With such a great variety of gamers, we typically see at least 100 different games per week, including popular titles like Ticket to Ride, Dominion, Tichu, Waterdeep, Splendor, Dixit, Red dragon Inn, Root, Race for the Galaxy, Terraforming Mars, Castles, Res Arcana, Catan, and Code Names.
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Metro Atlanta Geeks
Join us if you come from the land of Dragon*Con and are familiar with these phrases: "Han shot first!", "Captain, we are being hailed.", "It's bigger on the inside.", "Goram reavers!", "Kneel before Zod!", "All your base are belong to us.", "Excelsior True Believers!". We, the Metro Atlanta Geeks, create a Social Guild of Calamitous Intent to share, discuss, and appreciate all things geeky in real life and online! Our website shows all our places where we meet on the internet, such as Facebook, Goodreads, etc. Additionally, our members sometimes get free passes to movie screenings or other events, but are to be reserved for MAG members only - anyone who shares our access to other groups will be banned for life. Different events may have their own criteria for admission (e.g. age, singles-only, etc). Don't forget to visit our website for more information!
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Atlanta Dungeons & Dragons Newbie Sessions
: Learn Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (the latest version) in a friendly and inviting atmosphere. Both new and experienced players are welcome to join us! Come prepared for one-off adventures created with new players in mind--create your own character or choose a premade one. Events usually last four hours--please show up on time and update your RSVP status periodically. You can always go to our FAQ page if you have questions. Generally any officially published and playtested races and classes are acceptable. Spectating games is not allowed, as it can be disruptive. If you’re unsure of how to roleplay or be creative, the DM will provide assistance. Visit our website and Discord server for more information.
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Lilburn Dungeons & Dragons Meetup
iana EvansDaria RAshley N.WilloughbyWe are building a new Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition group. We will meet every other Sunday at 1 PM and stay until 8 PM at a private residence. We are open to both veterans and those who are new to the game. Our game includes a blend of fantasy, horror, steampunk, and various other elements. We currently have a few players, but are looking for 4-6 people total. We want responsible people, who can stay with the game and appreciate the role-playing involved. Our first session is July 22nd! Further down the line, from October 1st until November 12th, we will continue meeting for Dungeons and Dragons at the same location and time. We also have plenty of board games to switch to if necessary. Come join us and have some fun!
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Dunwoody Dungeons & Dragons
Dunwoody's Dungeons & Dragons fans strive to keep a balance between their professional lives, family commitments, and D&D gaming. Most game nights happen via Roll20 or Discord but they also sometimes meet up at nearby taverns and occasionally host their own game nights. Three past events were held, one in November 2022 and two in January 2020. The organizer is Jamie M. and there are 44 members of the group.
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