Listings in Ashford(Middlesex)
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Ashford(Middlesex)

I am completely new to tabletop RPG's but have always had an interest in playing D&D but no idea where to start or who to start with as my friends don't share this interest.
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Red Dragon Inn Gaming Group
KING THIS THE LARGEST RED DRAGON INN GAMING GROUP IN THE WORLD!! Do you enjoy playing Red Dragon Inn? Do you have trouble finding players to join in? If so, this is the perfect group for you! My wife and I are passionate about this game, and we're eager to get more people involved. Even if you've never heard of the game before, you're still welcome! Red Dragon Inn is a party of heroic, adventurous characters who have just emerged from a dungeon, celebrating their latest victory with drinks, gambling, and roughhousing at the Red Dragon Inn. The last person conscious at the end of the night, and who holds onto their Gold Coins, is the winner. Please note that Red Dragon Inn Gaming Group is not affiliated with Slugfest Games. We have upcoming events where you can join us and play the game and learn more about it. Visit their website at for more information. Already, we have 73 members, making this the largest Red Dragon Inn Gaming Group in the world!
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Mercer County Pathfinder Group
EXA1 organizerJake87 attending Hello! My name is Jacob and I'm an experienced game player and a fairly long-term Dungeon Master. Our group on Sunday nights requires some extra players, and I'm also setting up another game on a different night. Come join our sessions and we'll surely be able to find something to suit you. The next four events are Pathfinder Games called Trias of Praemia - they start at 12 and go until 6. If you're interested, reach out to me and I'll provide more info. We have 384 past events, 88 members, and 1 organizer (besides me).
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Somerset Roleplaying and Tabletop Board games
This group is based in the Somerset, NJ region and is for fans of Roleplaying Games and board games. Our main gatherings consist of board game days/nights every other Saturday at the Hillsborough Library and weekly campaigns and one-shots such as Monster of the Week, Fear Itself, Brindlewood Bay, Sins of the Father, and many more each Monday and Tuesday. We have held 179 events in the past, such as Vampire the Masquerade, Root the Roleplay Gaming, Dungeons and Dragons - Spelljamer, Dialect RPG, Burning Wheel, and more. Our membership is currently at 296 participants.
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Gaming Meetups at The Bearded Dragon Games
This group is great for gamers based in Central or North Jersey - we are a tabletop gaming store named The Bearded Dragon located in Bernardsville, NJ. We have created a space for people to meet and enjoy each other's company while engaging in games together. We offer Trading Card Games, RPG Games, Wargames, Board Games, and more! We use this group and other social media to promote events and encourage attendance - our play area is always open and free to all. Come join us on Facebook, Google+, or Instagram and enjoy special discounts on game day! There are plenty of upcoming events - we hope to see you at one soon!
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Gamers Of Northern New Jersey
Welcome! This group is for any and all people interested in role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Star Wars RPG, Shadowrun, Earthdawn, and any other tabletop games of any skill level. This group was started to connect with other gaming enthusiasts, and we hope we can get enough people to have multiple groups and games running in the North Jersey area. Grab your dice and join us! Upcoming events have been posted and past ones can be viewed too. Come join the fun!
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Central Jersey Dungeons & Dragons
otedTOyousmithThis is a group focused on setting up Dungeons & Dragons and other Table-Top Role Playing Games (TT-RPGs) in the Central Jersey area. Our calendar is full of ongoing games, while new gamers can check out our "Discussions" section to find out availability or even create their own game. To become an "Event Organizer", message Rui Almeida. We also have upcoming events like Waterdeep Dragon Heist and Ariamus’ Tyranny of Dragons, as well as Team Unknown's Out of the Abyss. Attendees must have a set of materials to access the games. We welcome everyone!
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