Listings in Wellingborough
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Wellingborough

Iām a newcomer to D&D and would love to learn more and start my first game
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I'm an old computer geek who has always enjoyed gaming. Dad taught me chess, and a few other card and board games, but I picked up roleplaying and tabletop strategy while at unversity and regularly played until the players in the group moved away or developed parental responsibilities. Recently had a regular gaming evening with a group who's kids are not consuming all their time, or play with us, but that has also faded out. Games like Exploding kittens, Unstable Unicorns, Cat in a box, One night a Werewolf, Happly little dinosaurs, in that group, but on the rare times I got to play at work or with my nephews, more board games happen - ticket to ride, carcasonne, and I still haven't got the hang of Catan.
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Played a bit if table top war games in the 90s and tried some AD&D at the time. Currently played a bit of 5e and pathfinder 2e. Also looking into running old-school essentials as a DM(newbie)
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Dragons in the Dungeon
Running one-shot games at Wellingborough. For both experienced and to table top Role playing games. Currently at Castelo's Lounge, starts at 7:00pm on Tuesdays.
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I've been playing DnD for about 4 years, both online and in person games although I much prefer to play in person. Looking for a new group to game with. Happy to play or DM.
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Joe G
We are looking to open a new branch of RP Haven - a TTRPG club and charity - in the Wellingborough/Northamptonshire area! At RP Haven we run weekly dedicated tables for games like D&D, Pathfinder, CyberPunk or whatever you want to run, so you can play and raise money for charity in the process. Right now we are just gauging interest so we know the size of venue etc. So if you want to ensure we get a branch open in your area please sign-up to our mailing list below and share with your friends! Https://
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Very new to DnD. Never played before but I've tride some solo table top gaming either 5 Parsecs From Home. Looking to find a relaxed group to learn a new hobby.
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