Listings in Kettering

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Kettering

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Added 10 days ago


I've played and GMed a variety of systems including DnD, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Monster of the Week and so on. I play online a lot, but am really keen to find folks locally to hang out with and play in person too.

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Added 10 days ago


I have played a fair bit of D&D5e online, including finishing a few short campaigns as well as a long-running campaign. I have looked into other systems as well as GMing (D&D5e), things of which I have no experience in, but I never had a group to try out new things. I am looking to play anything as playing in person has become of interest to me as opposed to playing online.

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I play dnd, call of cthulhu and storm bringer to forget the loss of my pet dinosaur.

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Hi, I am Andrew also known as Andge. Im 35 and would like to fund a D&D campaign. I have never played before but would really like to give it ago.

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hey there! im a slightly seasoned dungeons and dragons player looking for a campaign to join however i’m fully open to learning more games <33

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Desborough gaming group

Play a wide variety of ttrpg's including DND, alien, Warhammer fantasy 4e, starfinder, Top secret, cuthulu, savage world ,star trek wrath and glory star wars d6 and others. Always looking for player's and GM's...

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Played ttrpg's for over 30 years , from DND ( in it's many forms) to cuthulu, aliens, shiver , starfinder, pathfinder, savage worlds , Warhammer fantasy 4e , rifts , top secret and so on. Also help run desbourgh gaming club

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played 3.5e a while ago, and been both a DM and player. Looking to get back in as a player.

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Hi, I'm a 31 yr guy in northamptonshire. I speak english mostly fluently, though it isn't my native tongue, so an accent is detectable. :D I've been living in the area for a while now, and have some online experience with D&D 5e, and a little bit of homebrewed savage worlds. I'm basically up for anything, sci-fi, fantasy (high and low), anime, real life fiction, etc. I also enjoy boardgames too!

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