Listings in Northamptonshire

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Northamptonshire

All listings in Northamptonshire

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Added 9 days ago

Joe (Daventry)

Lots of experience playing various editions of D&D, looking to try some other systems as well, any of the Warhammer/40K, achtung cthulu, tales from the loop anything like that.

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Added 10 days ago

Kat (Kettering)

I've played and GMed a variety of systems including DnD, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Monster of the Week and so on. I play online a lot, but am really keen to find folks locally to hang out with and play in person too.

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Added 10 days ago

omni98 (Kettering)

I have played a fair bit of D&D5e online, including finishing a few short campaigns as well as a long-running campaign. I have looked into other systems as well as GMing (D&D5e), things of which I have no experience in, but I never had a group to try out new things. I am looking to play anything as playing in person has become of interest to me as opposed to playing online.

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Added 14 days ago

Ragnarok24 (Wellingborough)

I’m a newcomer to D&D and would love to learn more and start my first game

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Added 14 days ago

Jack (Wellingborough)

19, Newcomer to D&D and Looking for a D&D group for Wellingborough library

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Added 23 days ago

Robert (Northampton)

Just celebrated 60th birthday but have friends of all ages. Played a great deal in my 20s (all kinds of TTRPGs) and have dabbled with one-shots ever since. I am looking to get into a character-driven game to create wonderful stories together. I lean towards fantasy, but love sci-fi / cyber-punk too. I am also working on my own RPG if anyone would be interested in playtesting.

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Antonio (Wellingborough)

DND DM - Hosting games for charity

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james (Kettering)

I play dnd, call of cthulhu and storm bringer to forget the loss of my pet dinosaur.

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Michael (Wellingborough)


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eviltb (Towcester)

45M DnD veteran, question mark? Been playing since forever it seems, have played all Eds from original through to 5.5. Skipped 4, but didn't everyone!? Looking for a group to spend evenings gaming!

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RICHARD91 (Rushden)

Experience in 5e and 2024 DnD looking for a new group to play as a player. Thrapston based but willing to travel

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Andge (Kettering)

Hi, I am Andrew also known as Andge. Im 35 and would like to fund a D&D campaign. I have never played before but would really like to give it ago.

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OwlHouse (Wellingborough)

New to D&D but really want to find a group to play with in person. 28, f

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Mick (Corby)

Hi, I'm a dad of four and a game reviewer / factrory supervisor. I'm into board games like Monster Hunter World and Godtear, but really looking for groups/mates to play Warhammer Kill team with now and then.

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B1llzmgillzzz (Kettering)

hey there! im a slightly seasoned dungeons and dragons player looking for a campaign to join however i’m fully open to learning more games <33

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Dejure67 (Brackley)

Lots of ttrpgs

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Grobbendonk (Wellingborough)

I'm an old computer geek who has always enjoyed gaming. Dad taught me chess, and a few other card and board games, but I picked up roleplaying and tabletop strategy while at unversity and regularly played until the players in the group moved away or developed parental responsibilities. Recently had a regular gaming evening with a group who's kids are not consuming all their time, or play with us, but that has also faded out. Games like Exploding kittens, Unstable Unicorns, Cat in a box, One night a Werewolf, Happly little dinosaurs, in that group, but on the rare times I got to play at work or with my nephews, more board games happen - ticket to ride, carcasonne, and I still haven't got the hang of Catan.

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VonBartlesby (Rushden)

Male 32, chill easy going Just testing the waters, Multiple Small Sessions Of 5e In The past, and played 1 Small Game of Call Of Cthulhu

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Antonio (Wellingborough)

A dungeon master with 10 years of experience in 5e. 😁

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Desborough gaming group (Kettering)

Play a wide variety of ttrpg's including DND, alien, Warhammer fantasy 4e, starfinder, Top secret, cuthulu, savage world ,star trek wrath and glory star wars d6 and others. Always looking for player's and GM's...

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