Listings in Telford
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Telford

Looking for a weekly game in Telford area. Experienced in playing D&D 5e. Open to all games
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First started playing over 45 years ago with Traveller but have not played for over 20 years. Loved call of cthulhu, Pendragon and other games. Hoping to find similar age group (I'm 58) to rekindle a love of gaming
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Telford Boardgamers Club
Every Thursday night, we invite everyone to come together and play board, tabletop, RPG, and miniature games. We offer leagues for Blood Bowl and Championship Formula Racing, and we start at 7.30pm and go until 11pm. The first visit is free, and it'll cost £2 every week afterwards.
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STAGS Telford Wargaming Society
The STAGS Telford Wargaming Society is considered to be one of the finest war gaming clubs in the nation, featuring a broad selection of table top, role playing, and other games. Members convene every other Sunday to play miniature games and every Friday for card and board games.
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