Listings in Newport (Shropshire)
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Newport (Shropshire)

Playing and dm'ing since 1979, with way too many systems under my belt. Looking for 5e games, where I have nearly a dozen of the epic encounters boxes for other dm's to use if needed. I have the main rules + ravenloft and fizban book of dragons in hardback, as well as way too many dice. Also I am an experienced world of darkness (early edition) storyteller
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Played a range of games (Traveller, Cthulhu, AD&D) but not for decades. Looking to start up again.
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Does anyone know of any LGBT-friendly Dungeons & Dragons 5e groups playing either online or locally that I could join?
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"Hi all, I'm looking for an experienced Pathfinder group to join either online or in person - let me know if you need a player!"
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Looking for someone interested in joining an established D&D game either online or in-person - I'm an experienced player who hasn't taken part in a game for a while but am looking to get back into it!
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