Listings in Nottinghamshire
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Nottinghamshire

Daniel Akers
Hello everyone 👋, I am looking to start a role playing group on a Sunday starting in next several weeks. So far it's myself and my dad who are in the group. I'm looking for four more people. Myself and my dad have been roleplaying for 20 plus years with D and D 3.5 and 5.0, pathfinder, Dark Heresy, Cyberpunk. We are looking at starting with Dark Heresy/Rouge Trader and if the group gets along then hopefully it'll be running for a few years. I am open to also playing 40K top table battles also (Once my Tau Army is done) I'll provide snacks and coffee and tea. Timings roughly are 16:00pm-21:00pm maybe even a little later. If anyone is interested please comment on this post. P.S I have an APC for this where the roof comes off so great for role-play element, plus a load more miniatures and other vehicles.
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Hi everyone, I'm new here and looking to join a D&D game either in person or online but I'm a bit nervous so if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated!
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Jarrett B
Does anyone know of a Board game club in Nottinghamshire that caters to people who used to play a long time ago but might be a bit rusty?
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