Listings in Newquay
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Newquay

Various systems over the years as a player and GM. DnD, pathfinder, VtM, CoC, BitD... Looking for a group to join, happy to play or run.
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Long time roleplayer and board gamer new to the area. Interested in finding a new group, not particularly bothered about systems. Hit me up if you have a gap at your table that needs filling.
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Got some expierience DMing (only for close friends so far) and playing, mostly DnD 5e. Currently live in Spain (womp womp) but I don't mind joining for a couple games or a one-shot/two-shot
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Cornwall Miniature Wargames Association
The Quintrel Downs Village Hall in Newquay, Cornwall offers a variety of services.
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Does anyone know of a TTRPG club in Cornwall that doesn't use homebrew systems?
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Milan S
Hi all, I'm new to the area and looking for another player to join my existing local D&D game - anyone interested in getting together and conquering some dungeons?!
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