Listings in Newcastle upon Tyne
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Newcastle upon Tyne
Added 9 days ago
inexperienced player, enjoy unique role playing and combat, world-building and character development and collaboration c:
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My partner and I are looking for a few people to play some heavier games with! Games we own/are interested in getting to the table are: - John Company 2nd ed. - Most of the PAX series - High Frontier 4 All - Stationfall - Splotter titles (Food Chain Magnate, Indonesia, Roads & Boats, etc.) - Root - The Bios series Up for trying new/other games as well
Sign in to contactSandy
Like table top games, but not hugely experianced. Eldritch Horror, Warhammer (but dont collect), Undaunted.
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