Listings in Luton

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Luton

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Added 20 days ago


Basically a beginner, only played bg3 so I’m familiar with very basic elements. Keen to be a player in any adventure. Bard and Monk are my favourite but I’ll play anything really.

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Hi, I'm early thirties looking to play boardgames in luton or surrounding areas, monday - thursday evenings are best but I can do the occasional fridays and weekends.

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I work Monday to Friday, and am looking to find groups that meet at weekends to play board games. Anyone hosting sessions in ihe Luton area?

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I'm a recently retired accountant, married with 2 grown up kids who have flown the nest. I love playing board games, especially Catan.(cities and knights version my favourite). Looking to hook up regular weekly game.

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Tabletop Sunday

A board game club in Luton meets at a bar constructed in a member's backyard.

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The St Neots Boredom Busters

This group is intended to help people in St Neots and its neighboring areas make friends with those who share their social interests. We often arrange fun outings to places like go-karting, kayaking, and dragon boat rowing, or even plan city trips. The more active members the group has, the more activities we can do. If you've just moved here, this could be the perfect way to build a new social circle. All we ask is that you treat each other respectfully and abide by a few rules, such as having a profile photo that users can recognize you by. We are open and free to all members, and a friendly beverage in appreciation of the group is always welcome! Currently, upcoming events include a Circus Cortex Masquerade and a Games Night at The Ale Taster.

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