Listings in Bedfordshire
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Bedfordshire
All listings in Bedfordshire

Andy (Dunstable)
Have a keen interest for gaming, and have recently finished a DND 5e campaign so am looking to get involved in another one. Happy to play on VTT if needs be!
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Alfie (Luton)
Hi there, I've been looking into getting into DnD for a while, I own a few 5e books and have read the phb cover to cover so I think I have a decent understanding of the rules. I would love to join a group and have a few character ideas so am happy to play wherever class gels well with the table.
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Marblebelly (Dunstable)
Played a few TTRPGs, including D&D, Pathfinder, Starfinder and Star Trek to name a few. I have GM'd Starfinder, pew pew pew!!
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Jonathan (Luton)
Have recently moved to Luton after teaching abroad. I love D&D (I seem to be the forever DM) so I am looking to start a weekly campaign. I'm a teacher but can do Wednesday to Friday evenings, Weekends are not a problem at all any time that suits the group. I am also looking to get back in to Warhammer AOS or 40K so anyone willing to introduce me to that would be great. Plus I have a whole host of board games ranging from kid favourites from the 80s all the way to more modern games. Always willing to try new games too.
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Daeon Fielda (Leighton Buzzard)
I am looking for a group to play or GM for, I would love to play Daggerheart (Critical Role's system). I have run a DH one-shot (which was really fun). I currently play in a D&D 5e campaign.
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Kay (Luton)
Basically a beginner, only played bg3 so I’m familiar with very basic elements. Keen to be a player in any adventure. Bard and Monk are my favourite but I’ll play anything really.
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Jadzia (Leighton Buzzard)
Just a girl Looking for a campaign to join in Leighton buzzard!
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Joshua (Leighton Buzzard)
Looking to host or join a Dungeons and Dragons group in Leighton Buzzard/Bedfordshire.
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Erin (Leighton Buzzard)
Complete beginner looking to get into TT / DnD. Big fantasy and sci-fi nerd
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Ben (Leighton Buzzard)
Hello, I am mid-thirties looking to play with group (ideally age 25+). Have experience being the dungeon master and player for D and D, but open to playing other TTRPG. I am looking for a regular group (will to travel to Luton/Dunstable/MK if necessary) to play some TTRPG (or board games). I am a Doctor so my rota means I might have to miss one week in a month. Ideally weekday evening (or Sunday evening).
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Kira & Matt (Dunstable)
Hello we have recently moved back to Dunstable and are looking for people for some regular board game sessions! We are late twenties and weekdays and evenings are best for us. Catan is a favourite of ours and we’ve got some expansions yet to try. We have an ever growing board game collection from quick games to heavy 3+ hour board games. We both have several Magic the Gathering decks and would really like to fine local players. We can even teach people and lend decks who are interested in playing.
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ArmouredCheese (Luton)
Hi, I'm early thirties looking to play boardgames in luton or surrounding areas, monday - thursday evenings are best but I can do the occasional fridays and weekends.
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Chris (Luton)
I work Monday to Friday, and am looking to find groups that meet at weekends to play board games. Anyone hosting sessions in ihe Luton area?
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Neosa (Dunstable)
Hi, Im looking for some entertainment on the weekends or weekday depending. I am more looking to take my 8yr old to play/learn chess and other boardgames while finding activities to do outside the home.
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Paul (Luton)
I'm a recently retired accountant, married with 2 grown up kids who have flown the nest. I love playing board games, especially Catan.(cities and knights version my favourite). Looking to hook up regular weekly game.
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Ben & Mel (Dunstable)
We are a couple in our early 30s who like to play boardgames and have an introductory interest in TTRPGs like D&D and Call of Cthulhu. The boardgames we have and play range from Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride, through Betrayal at House on the Hill and Letters from Whitechapel to Gloomhaven. We're currently in the process of moving to Dunstable and are looking for (or to create) a friendly group to hang out and play games with.
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Finn (Bedford)
I am looking for a DND group to join. I have dabbled with 5e but am most familiar with 3.5. I like games that have a balance between the combat and story/roleplay.
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