Listings in Llanelli
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Llanelli

Lexa (20)
In Carmarthen, willing to go anywhere within reasonable walking distance of location. I would like to play board games.
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Carmarthen Old Guard
We get together every Wednesday at 6 PM at the Carmarthen Businessman's Club to build models of different time periods and sizes, focusing exclusively on historical ones. We're also on Facebook under the name, 'Carmarthen Old Guard'.
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Looking for some brave adventurers ready for a grand adventure? I'm starting a new D&D game with a customized homebrew system, either in person or online, and am looking for 2-3 players to join me on the adventure!
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Hey all, I'm looking for two players to join me for a D&D 5E game here in the area -- no homebrew systems please!
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Norbert A
Hello everyone, I'm an experienced D&D player looking for a couple more players to join my game in or near Llanelli.
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