Listings in Aberystwyth
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Aberystwyth

Gamepark Gaming
This shop offers much more than just retail, as it organises gaming nights on Fridays for 'Magic - the Gathering', and might even introduce a 'Dungeons & Dragons' night on Thursdays in the future. Along with the regular events, there are also additional activities such as Heartstone sessions.
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Does anyone know of a TTRPG club in or near Aberystwyth that is LGBTQ+ friendly?
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Hi everyone, I'm looking for a D&D group either in person or online to join - I haven't played for a while, but I'm looking to get back into the swing of things!
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Graig P
Hi everyone, I am interested in joining a local board game club, but I'm feeling a bit nervous. Has anyone here joined a local board game club that they would recommend?
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