Listings in Haverhill
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Haverhill

I've only played twice before so pretty much a complete beginner. Would love to find a friendly local group to help me learn and have a bit of fun I'm 25, she/they pronouns
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Haverhill War Games Club
Dead Mans Hand, IHMN, Disposable Heroes, Ronin, Open Combat, and 40K are all well-known skirmish games and this small but well-known group of players meets twice a month on Monday evenings from 6 pm to 9 pm at Castle Manor Academy's dining hall area.
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Haverhill Area Board Game Group
This is an opportunity for people close to Haverhill and nearby places in Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire to connect and have fun playing board games, card games and tabletop roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons. The activity will take place every first and third Thursday of the month, at the Haverhill Ex-Servicemen's Club.
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Gov. L
Hey everyone, I'm looking to join a D&D 5e campaign near Haverhill, MA that has lots of homebrew content - anyone interested?
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Does anyone in or near Haverhill have a D&D group that would let me DM a one-shot game even though I've never played before?
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Hi everyone, I'm a bit nervous, but I'm looking for a Star Wars or other sci-fi tabletop RPG game group in Suffolk. Does anyone have any recommendations?
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