Listings in Gloucester
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Gloucester

5e play group with 1 DM and 3 players, looking for a 4th! Meeting on Tuesdays, 6PM, at my place in Gloucester city centre. Parking available nearby. Campaign is just beginning (we've yet to run our session zero!) so you've not missed out. Ideally frontliner wanted but open to other classes.
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Howdy! I live in the city centre, have played DnD and other RPGs off and on for the past decade, and I'm looking for a new play group. I'm open to DMing or playing and have done both in the past. I'm also able to host :) I work a 9-5, Mon-Fri, so am only available evenings and weekends.
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Have played dindy and role playing game for 42 years after first edition and fifth edition a and looking to start a group in dust Gloucester to play a dnd or any role playing game and looking for DM to
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Hi, I’m 25 and and new to Gloucester, I’ve been playing D&D for 4 years and would like to find a group to play with
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Hi all, I'm a 24-year-old living in Cinderford but regularly go to Gloucester and Cheltenham. Been playing 5e D&D for a few years and interested in joining a new group! Feel free to email me or reach out via Discord: henryn2000
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So im an experienced player and dungeon master just recently moved to Gloucester and in need of a group to be a player or DM in, I also don’t really know anyone around here so thought it would be a great opportunity to make some new like minded friends friends!
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Have been a d&d player since my late teens. Now retired and I'm looking to taking up the game again. I've played AD&D and some of the later editions pre COVID
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I'm a massive fan of warhammer 40k, Dungeons and dragons and all things nerdy. Looking for new community as store i go to is closing and don't wanna leave this community.
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Hi, I have been in a dnd campaign for many years but still am a new player (in terms of rules!) I want to expand my gameplay and meet like minded players.
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