Listings in Ely
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Ely

Started getting into DnD 5e and was involved in a small campaign which eventually dissolved due to time issues but really looking to get back into it either virtually or preferably in person
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I've been watching TTRPG shows for a number of years and always thought to try out a game one-day but never took the leap. I understand watching and playing d&d are two different things but I'm willing to learn and adapt and just have fun. I take inspiration from Dimensions 20s style of campaign and favour story based aspects of the game over combat. I have run a very poor excuse of a d&d game with my mum her partner and my ex. It wasn't the best but they all seemed to enjoy the chaos.
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Played and DMed D&D 5e, and a little PF2e. Interested in finding an evening game. Open to try any other game system too.
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I’m Freddie,15 years old. I have been playing in an after school club for the last 2 years. I’m interested in expanding my gaming knowledge and social circle.
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