Listings in Cambridge

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Cambridge

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Added 8 days ago


Looking to form a group for D&D 5e

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Added 10 days ago


Hi, my name is Edward, and I am a 26-year old communications officer working at Cambridge University. I've been here for a year, and am looking for friends around my own age in this city. I don't have any experience with tabletop games, I'm just looking for a welcoming group in the Cambridge area.

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Added 17 days ago


No experience, would like to try D n D. Like most new players after playing some Baldurs Gate 3.

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Added 18 days ago


A long time roleplayer . More that thirty years experience . I m now looking for a group in cambridge. i have referred a lot . Ideally I would to play Chivalry and sorcery but am open to most genre. I favour fantasy and SF i am not a fan off horror.

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New to dnd and looking to get playing some games

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Played a few role playing games in the 80s, including D&D, TMNT, Star Frontiers and Call of Cthulhu. Have recently got back into it with my son. Looking for groups in Cambridge for D&D 5e. Would like to get more playing experience and eventually DM some campaigns.

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Just returned from university and I’m looking for a group to play some dnd with in person, I’ve played 5e for a long time but never consistently.

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Played a bit of 5e in person, played a few CRPG video games such as Baldurs gate 3 or Pathfinder:WOTR , I'm pretty into the fantasy genre. I've always had an interest in D&D but never had much oppurtunity to play. Just looking to enjoy some games and hang out with others with similar interests.

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Brand new player looking to try out Dungeons & Dragons, having enjoyed playing Baldur's Gate 3

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I've been playing for the past 7 years, but mostly online with my friends from uni. I wouldn't mind starting an in-person game! :)

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Well experienced DM and player, having played significantly in D&D 5th edition, Pathfinder 2e and Call of Cthulhu. I'd like to meet people interested in forming a group in the Cambridge area, as I've recently moved to the southeast of Cambridge and am very interested in making new friends and finding a D&D group. More than happy to DM, also interested in playing. Would prefer an in person group but online can also work.

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Im a fairly new player, only played half of a campaign before

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Hi all, I have been playing d&d (pathfinder rules) in St neots for about 8 years now. We have a solid group of players but a few have left over the years so we're now on the prowl for new players. We are coming to the end of our 3rd campaign and will be starting the fourth in a couple of months using d&d 5e rules. We try and rotate the DMs for each campaign but it's not a necessity. (Campaigns can last up to 2 years) We are a friendly group who meet and play in a gaming cabin in st neots every 2 weeks on a Saturday. The group are in there mid 30s, if your looking for a social group and want a regular gaming session then this is ideal. We do ask you to be committed as we all very much look forward to our d&d night, we have a few beers and a few smokes during the night, so if you offended by this then it's probably not for you. Session runs fortnightly, on a Saturday 8 till midnight

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6+ years of playing dnd5e DM'd a few times, including a long homebrew campaign. Based in Waterbeach, so can travel to Cambridge and Ely easily. Would prefer to play, but happy to DM as part of a group with 2-3 DM's that rotate. Ideally looking for a longterm table. Discord: jme9522

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Huge Star Wars and LOTR fan and love playing board games with a particular interest in sci-fi and WW2. Favourites are Rebellion, Outer Rim, Imperial Assault, War Room, Axis and Allies, Tide of Iron and War of the Ring. Looking to meet new people in and around the Fulbourn area. Thanks.

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Looking for DnD group, for myself and my son

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Hi I am a fairly experienced player of Pathfinder and a bit of D&D 5 (I previously had played 3 so a bit sketchy on the newer rules.) My big love is Call of Cthulhu and am looking to find anyone running games where I can finally be an investigator or happy to host as Keeper for anyone looking to try Cthulhu for the first time.

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Relatively inexperienced GM, mainly run oneshots for friends in a variety of systems (such as Heart, Blades in the Dark, Ryuutama, and FIST). I have found that I enjoy narrative-focused games, though I started out playing D&D 5e and do take part in a Pathfinder 2E Campaign currently I would very much like to run games like Heart, but don't mind being a player either

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In need of fun lighthearted games and friends for evening relaxation. I have DnD, 5000pt Space Marine 3rd ed 40K army, board game and general interest in other little games. :D

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