Listings in Stockton-on-Tees

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Stockton-on-Tees

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Added 22 days ago

Mark Dobson

53 year old, experienced GM and player for various TTRPGs.

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Played when I was a teen and was thinking it would be great to see if people still play and maybe get my son involved

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New to d and d

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played a little bit on and off for a few different campaigns but didn't really amount to long term sessions - generally play DnD 5e

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Hey, I'm Bark, I've played online a few times a couple campaigns and a few oneshots. I'm semi-new but know quite a bit however my knowledge pertains to 5E only. I'm interested in finding a local group to join if possible. Bark out

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