Listings in Cleveland

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Cleveland

All listings in Cleveland

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Added 25 days ago

Bark_Thefurry (Stockton-on-Tees)

Hey, I'm Bark, I've played online a few times a couple campaigns and a few oneshots. I'm semi-new but know quite a bit however my knowledge pertains to 5E only. I'm interested in finding a local group to join if possible. Bark out

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wakerpan (Hartlepool)

historic wargaming

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Matthew (Middlesbrough)

Looking to meet people playing Warhammer 40k, Horus heresy (not got much) or dungeons and dragons

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The Gotham Maker: Gamers, eSports, RPGs, Makerspace, Artists (Saltburn-by-the-Sea)

MembersKody, Robert Monahan, Hannah, and 58 others At The Gotham Maker, we bring together technology and gaming enthusiasts, creative innovators, and more to collaborate and learn from each other. This is a community for everyone, no matter your skill level or background. There's something for everyone at our events, such as gaming nights, RPG sessions, makerspace workshops, art showcases, social gatherings, guest speakers and panels. Plus, with everyone's unique perspectives and creativity, members can work together to make something amazing! So come join us today and let's explore all the possibilities!

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NYC Tabletop RPGs (Saltburn-by-the-Sea)

re you interested in getting into tabletop roleplaying games? Do you need a place to start that is supportive and inclusive? Look no further! Critical Role, Adventure Zone and many more familiarize us with the dice and cards, and now you can join in the fun right here! Our main objectives are to create a comfortable environment and foster a community free of damaging and prejudiced behavior. Many different RPGs come our way each month, from the more conventional to the more experimental. We have seen Honey Heist, Blades in the Dark, Tales from the Loop, Delta Green, A Quiet Year, Star Wars, World Wide Wrestling, Dream Askew and Legend of the Five Rings, and D&D, to name but a few. Feel free to make any game suggestions in the comments of our Meetup, and don't forget to join our Discord chat server and Patreon account. Click the link above to check what's going on. Let the games begin!

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Redcar Ironbeards (Redcar)

A gaming organization located in Redcar that meets regularly to enjoy different games.

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Hartlepool Wargames Society (Hartlepool)

Are you into board games with a historical theme? HWS is the oldest of its kind in the city. Our space consists of two rooms and six large tables measuring 6x4ft, made for competitions. We provide a variety of games from Flames of War to Chain of Command and Sharpe Practice. We're open from 7pm to 11pm on Mondays and may accommodate other nights upon request from members.

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Middlesbrough Gamers Club (Middlesbrough)

These types of games involve strategic thinking, usually having a board or a venue to act out roles. They can include games such as Chess and Monopoly, as well as RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons. Strategy-based activities like Wargames, Boardgames, and Roleplay games stimulate the brain with the challenge of conquering different scenarios. Popular games in these categories include Chess, Monopoly, and Dungeons & Dragons, which provide a setting to work out strategies.

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Gamers@Hart (Hartlepool)

Friday and Saturday evening from 6 to 11 o'clock, with Sunday running from 4 in the afternoon until 10 at night.

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