Listings in Cleveland
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Cleveland
All listings in Cleveland

Mark Dobson (Stockton-on-Tees)
53 year old, experienced GM and player for various TTRPGs.
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Stephen (Saltburn-by-the-Sea)
Interested in playing DnD , first played using version 1 and recently started 5e , which would like to play more regularly. Would be interested in trying other rpg’s . Available usually weekends and evenings.
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EvanH (Middlesbrough)
I'd just really love to get into dungeons and dragons it seems so fun
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Cole (Middlesbrough)
New to dnd, looking to play some campaigns to help get to know the game a bit more, I'll be either a DM or player, I don't mind one bit, I'm 15
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Darren (Stockton-on-Tees)
Played when I was a teen and was thinking it would be great to see if people still play and maybe get my son involved
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Themis (Middlesbrough)
Looking to play DnD 5e I haven’t played but am somewhat familiar with the material, currently attending uni at teesside
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Thom (Hartlepool)
Never played DnD but looking to start. Would love to DM eventually as I love world building and writing but need some games as a player under my belt.
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Chris (Stockton-on-Tees)
played a little bit on and off for a few different campaigns but didn't really amount to long term sessions - generally play DnD 5e
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Bark_Thefurry (Stockton-on-Tees)
Hey, I'm Bark, I've played online a few times a couple campaigns and a few oneshots. I'm semi-new but know quite a bit however my knowledge pertains to 5E only. I'm interested in finding a local group to join if possible. Bark out
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Matthew (Middlesbrough)
Looking to meet people playing Warhammer 40k, Horus heresy (not got much) or dungeons and dragons
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