Listings in Scunthorpe

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Scunthorpe

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Added 17 days ago
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Scunthorpe Tabletop Gamers

Scunthorpe Tabletop Gamers is intended to provide a friendly gaming environment for board game fans. At our weekly get-togethers we host a variety of Star Wars X-Wing games on Monday nights, board games on Tuesdays, and campaign games (not every Sunday) in the evenings on Sundays. We typically play from 18:30 until late.

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Scunthorpe Boardgaming Society

The Scunthorpe Boardgaming Society is engaging in conversation and discussing various topics.

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Looking for someone new to join our Dungeons and Dragons game in or near Scunthorpe - no experience necessary!

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Hello Dungeon Masters of South Humberside! I'm looking for a queer-inclusive D&D 5e game and would love it if someone here could help me out.

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Un H

Hey everyone, I recently moved to South Humberside and I'm looking for a D&D game and maybe some new friends to join in!

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See also