Listings in Grimsby
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Grimsby

Grim Dice Tabletop Gaming
On Fridays, we meet up in Grimsby Central Hall for our gaming meetup - it's free to join, and you can choose whatever system you want, from Warhammer 40,000 to Dungeons & Dragons, Yu-Gi-Oh! to board games. Tables and game materials are already there, and snacks are available too. Why not come along and join in the fun?
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Hamilton RPG & Tabletop Gamers
IRoseMessage Hamilton Gamers! Welcome to the Community. Things have been slower here recently since in-person play hasn't been feasible. But now that things are starting to open back up in the city, we'd like to ramp things back up. If you're interested in organizing tabletop role-playing and board games here, please send an email to Every Monday evening, we're running games at Black Knight Games and would love to have new players join us. Additionally, if you have a venue that you'd like to post game events from, feel free to reach out. Let's get rolling and delve into dungeons, Hamilton! View upcoming events and join in, or contact the organizers for more information.
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Grimsby Board game group @ The Grimsby Wargames Society
We are a welcoming group who meet up three times a week at Grimsby War Games Society. A wide range of Euro and Ameritrash board games are available to play, with club-owned sets as well as games brought in by members. If you'd like to join in, you can find us at 106 Sixhill Street, Grimsby. There's a small fee each time you come, and your first three visits are free. Membership is £10 a year, and game nights are held on Tuesdays from 7 pm, Thursdays from 7:30 pm, and on the weekend from 1 pm. Following the end of lockdowns, Thursdays are now a weekly event at the club, with the occasional weekend session. During the other days and times, we still accept players by arrangement. So if you want to meet us, Thursday evening is the ideal time to do so!
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Anyone looking to make friends in the Grimsby area interested in joining my D&D game?
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