Listings in Penicuik
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Penicuik

Lou Mac
23 M, new player wanting to get into D&D as a player. nervous wreck to new ppl but doing my best to put myself out there and find a few new friends
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41, m, fairly new to the Penicuik area - looking to find a group, or group of likeminded people to play games with. Happy to travel a bit to meetup. I have a few board games, but used to play more. Happy to try anything (D&D I've not done, but like the genre through fiction and computer games, and enjoyed a lot of Warhammer/40k in my youth.)
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Breanna D
Hi all, I'm looking for a welcoming D&D 5e game to join locally and I'm a bit nervous, so if anyone has any recommendations I'd really appreciate it!
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Mathilde A
Hi everyone! I'm new to the area and looking for a D&D group that would let me DM a one-shot in person or online - I'm mainly looking to make some new friends! :)
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Debbra S
Hi, I'm a 12-year-old from Midlothian looking to join a TTRPG club. Does anyone know of one in the area?
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