Listings in Paisley

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Paisley

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Hello, I love video games, board games and I would love to try D&D. If anyone is up for creating a gaming group or looking for a person to join theirs, I'm your person!

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Oliver baird

I have no prior experience except for a school club, I am willing to learn but I may not know all the rules. But I can and will learn, if you're starting a new campaign then I'll definitely be able to join. Kindest regards: Oliver Baird

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I'm new to D&D but am a tabletop game fan. Looking for a new friend group to socialise with and have a good time. I'll be 35 this Sat (Aug 17th) and am based in Erskine. If you want to get in touch with me the fastest way is via Discord and my username is GooberShank.

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Erskine Arts have a Dungeons & Dragons night every Wednesday from 6.30pm-8.30pm.

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See also