Listings in Johnstone
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Johnstone

I am looking to join either an in person group of dnd or online group. I have had previous experience with 5e however it was pretty limited. I am 21 and a guy.
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I love board games, Wargames and role-playing games. I'm currently building a necron army and printing my own mordheim board.
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Gryffe Gaming Club
Since 2001, a warm, intimate gaming group has come together to play a variety of games, from Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer 40,000, MechWarrior: Dark Age, Heroclix, Magic: The Gathering, and more.
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Hi everyone! I'm new to the area and looking for a group of people interested in playing Dungeons & Dragons, either in person or online, who would be willing to let me DM a one-shot. I'm hopeful to make some friends along the way too. Has anyone got any suggestions?
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