Listings in Milford Haven
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Milford Haven

I'm new looking for a party I don't mind what edition we play but I'm more familiar with 5e
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M48 looking to join a roleplay group (any genre or system) or to start a new one for other players in search of adventure, in which case options include Ironsworn, D&D, Vaesen, Call of Cthulhu, or Fallout 2D20. (Posted 7.8.24) Edit: have found another player here, but we’re looking for more. (30/10/24)
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52M new to area. Played D&D back in 80s and 90s, looking to find a group to try out 5e and get back into it.
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31, he/him, Looking for a game more locally. Already play with a group but potentially looking to DM and have a couple of ideas rattling around.
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The Game Master's Keep.
We are hosting a Star Wars Armada game at Haverfordwest cricket club on Wednesday 6th and then a Free D&D night at Mabon Gifts in Milford haven on Friday 8th. Come join us. We also have a list of active groups in the area and upcoming events on our website at . Look forward to seeing you.
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