Listings in Lisburn
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Lisburn

Lisburn Gaming Club
We’re open from 9am to 6pm on Saturdays, and will stay open until 11:30pm on one Friday evening every month.
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DnD Adventures
revorScouting for an amazing Dungeons & Dragons adventure? Want to recruit new players for your game? Trying to take a chance and give D&D a go? We have experiences ideal for beginners - anyone is welcome! With the collaboration of both At Your Service Maid Cafe and Chaos Crafters, we intend to provide extraordinary entertainment! Chaos Crafters' Dungeon Masters have crafted amazing stories to capture your imagination. Pre-built characters can already be chosen, or arrive early to design your own! Plus, indulging in themed food, at an additional cost, will enhance the feeling of your journey. Keep an eye out for the upcoming events - the one scheduled for October 28th at At Your Service Maid Cafe in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is sure to be a night you won't forget!
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Lisburn Board Game Group
This is the BoardGameGeek guild for the Lisburn Board Game Group Meetup. We meet bi-weekly to enjoy all different kinds of board games, from classic to modern, European to American!
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Hi everyone, I'm looking for a Star Wars or other sci-fi tabletop RPG game to try out–preferably either in person or online–for the first time. Does anybody have any recommendations?
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Ms. B
Does anyone know of a good TTRPG club in or near Lisburn that uses published systems only?
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Lauren W
Hi, I'm looking to join a D&D group in Co. Antrim to run a one-shot. I've been away from the game for a while but used to play a lot in the past. Any suggestions?
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