Listings in Kyle
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Kyle

New to DnD but have played a campaign and short sessions with experienced players. Have tried DMing for my nephews with Wardlings and would love to do more playing! I’m a fan of fantasy and sci-fi, with interest in a range of TTRPGs, but predominantly DnD. Looking for a group in west Highlands and prefer in-person but have played online.
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Val S
Hi, does anyone know of a board game club in or near Kyle that I can join? I used to play a lot, but it's been a while.
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Audria D
to join as they are new to the area. Hi! I'm new to Kyle and I'm looking for a Board game club to join near here, but I'm a bit nervous as I'm new to the area. Does anyone know of one or have experience in joining a group like this?
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Drew A
Does anyone know of any local tabletop RPG game stores in my area that specialize in Star Wars or other sci-fi themed RPGs? I used to play a long time ago, so I'm looking to get back into it.
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