Listings in Hull
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Hull

looking for any dnd 5e campains to join. id prefer dms who are open to homebrew.
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Hi, I'm Hannah. I'm moving back to Hull in a couple weeks after I finish uni and I've always wanted to play D&D. I'd love to make some friends and find people to play with
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Hi I'm Mil (they/them) relative new Dnd 5e dungeon master, I've just moved to Hull and I'd love to find some cool people to start a game with. :)
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I've just moved to Hull and I'm looking for people to play board games with. It's been a while since I've had a regular group so my faves are a bit out of date, but they include Alien Frontiers, Terra Mystica and Suburbia. Looking to learn some new games as well. No experience with RPGs but totally willing to give it a go!
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I like all types of board games. Current favourite Circadians Chaos Order.
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Im a Man looking for a group to play Rpg style game with. I dont have much experience actually playing theses style games, only some low level stuff with friends. Im open to any style of game
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