Listings in Hessle
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Hessle

Hull and District Tabletop Games Club
A group of people from the Humber region love experiencing different types of tabletop gaming. Our interests range from fantasy and historical to Euro and Ameritrash, as well as board, card, dice, and role-playing games. Although we're not a club in the traditional sense, with annual dues or meetings, we're simply a group of friends brought together by our shared passion. We meet regularly at our leader's house in Hessle 3 times a week, with 6-8 of us playing various games in the converted garage. We invite anyone to come join us Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays. Reach out to to join us for a game.
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Ashley S
Hi, I'm in Hessle and I'm looking for a couple of players to join a D&D game I'm setting up - I haven't played for a while so I'm a bit rusty, but I'm sure we'll have fun!
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Pres. K
Hey everyone, I'm looking for a couple of players to join me for a game of Dungeons & Dragons (either in person or online), and I'm a bit nervous, so any experienced gamers out there looking for a game, please reach out to me!
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