Listings in Craigavon
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Craigavon

Hi, I love board tabletop and card games but since moving to Portadown i dont have any one to play with. Im 33 and not very expirenced in table top rpgs like D&D but would love to learn more as i loved the campaigns i have played in other ttrpgs such as scion and World of darkness. I play MTG, Pokemon and lorcana although my deck arnt up to date. Looking foe a group to join.
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Hi there everyone! I'm an experienced D&D player looking for a game in or around Craigavon - anyone got any leads? Thanks!
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Rev. C
Hi everyone, I'm an experienced Pathfinder player looking for a group to join - in person or online!
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I'm an 18-year-old looking for a Dungeons and Dragons 5e group to join, either online or in person!
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