Listings in Armagh
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Armagh

Johnstown Board Game Meetup
... This group aims to organize the playing of various strategy and horror-genred board and card games. These games range from Risk Godstorm to Fluxx and Munchkin games. Members should expect to learn as well as teach new games, while those new to table-top gaming should be aware that some games may take several hours to complete. The type of game(s) to be played at each event will depend on the number of members and their interest. Past events have included Game Night! Visiting Weebs in the Woods and Tabletop Simulator Game Night. The group is led by organizer Laura Huchel and currently has 126 members.
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Does anyone know where I can find a Board game club in Co Armagh? I'm an experienced player.
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If you're a 20-year-old looking to get into a local TTRPG club, let me know!
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Taylor G
"Are you an LGBTQ+ friendly D&D player looking to join an existing game either in-person or online? Come join us!"
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