Listings in Biggar
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Biggar

Old School Renaissance Dnd, Mork Borg, 40K, Necromunda, INQ28, classic Vampire/Werewolf, weird old sourcebooks, Call Of Cthulhu, Delta Green, random shit, card games, aaaarrrggghhhh all of it!
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Old School Renaissance Dnd, Mork Borg, 40K, Necromunda, INQ28, classic Vampire/Werewolf, weird old sourcebooks, Call Of Cthulhu, Delta Green, random shit, card games, aaaarrrggghhhh all of it!
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Lanarkshire - coaching & self development
Are you uncertain what direction you want to go? Have you thought of undertaking coaching to discover the answers? Come and join us to mingle with like-minded people. Our group has arranged seven events, the last of which was Let's Fill the Christmas Jar with Money. Additionally, one Opportunity Knock gathering each month was hosted during June and May 2017. Audrey Paterson is the organizer, and we currently have 32 members.
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Msgr. S
Does anyone know of any sci-fi/Star Wars homebrew tabletop RPGs either in person or online?
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I'm looking for a D&D 5e game to join, either online or in person, and I'm a completely new player!
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Hey everyone! I recently moved to Biggar and I'm looking for a Tabletop Roleplaying Game club to join and make some new friends - any suggestions?
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