Listings in Ashington
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Ashington

Migrating from computer games into TTRPGs in pursuit of a more sociable hobby. Have a preference for well balanced gaming systems with deep Lore but happy to give anything a try.
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Mature player seeking groups for online or face-to-face RPG, with preference for Tales of the Valiant, 13th Age, Pathfinder 2e, or Dungeon Crawl Classics
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Keen gamer, interested in Warhammer, DnD, Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic The Gathering. Looking to connect to like-minded people locally.
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Newcastle Dungeons and Dragons Meetup Group
Welcome to our new community. If you're in Newcastle and are interested in DnD or any other RPGs, you've come to the right place! We held 6 events so far: The Delian Tomb, Murder on the Crossroads, Humblewood: The Wakewyrm's Fury, Beginner-Friendly D&D and we have had around 300 members. See more for more details. Jess, the organizer, is always happy to provide more information.
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