Listings in Bristol
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Bristol
All listings in Bristol

Joe (Bristol)
Hello! Name's Joe, I'm 35, recently moved to Bristol and looking for individuals to GM for. Always happy to host people of a variety of familiarity in the hobby who are willing to try out some of the less well-known TTRPG rulesets. I personally enjoy doing less crunchy 5e tactics and more rules-light off-the-cuff rulings with plenty of space for player ingenuity. I personally love to run Old School Essentials, Shadowdark, Troika! and whatever else I've got in my books and pdfs. I pride myself on tables being inclusive as possible so will be sensitive to ensuring everyone has a good time.
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Kianina (Bristol)
I'm a player here in Bristol for a few months for research. Fluent in english but not my first language, so I don't really feel comfortable with DMing. I play DND 5 - now learning 5.5 - and pthfndr 1 and 2. I love rp-heavy tables and long sessions.
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Lucygry (Bristol)
New to Bristol area. I enjoy board games generally. Only really played deduction and party games but open to trying other games. Played DND once, and enjoyed it. In my early 30's.
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Harrison (Bristol)
I have experience in several D&D 5e campaigns, including a couple of times GMing. I enjoy games with both lighthearted and serious tones, but generally prefer games that lean more on rollplay and storytelling than combat (still like combat, just more of a rollplayer). I am quite proficient in 5e, but I am also very interested in VTM and would love to learn it sometime.
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Noot (Bristol)
Looking for DND sessions to join in on pretty much, drop me a message if you're interested!
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Awristia (Bristol)
Im 20 and I’ve always wanted to get into D&D Ive played a lot of Baldurs gate haha but I’d really like to get into it more :)
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