Listings in Glenrothes
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Glenrothes

Always interested in playing miniature games. In particular, skirmish games in the fantasy or sci-fi genre (Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadown Deep, Stargrave, etc). I like the old Games Workshop stuff too (WFB, Rogue Trader, Man O War, etc).
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Stephan S
Does anyone know of any TTRPG clubs that use homebrew content and are accepting new members, either offline or online?
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King O
I'm a 20 year old looking for a Pathfinder group in Fife to join - would anyone have any advice or recommendations?
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Has anyone formed any TTRPGs clubs in or near Glenrothes? I used to play quite a while ago and would like to start playing again.
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