Listings in Galasheils
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Galasheils

New player!
18, inexperienced at tabletop rpgs but have some friends and family who play, love storytelling and roleplaying, looking to make some friends and create some awesome stories together
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Hey everyone, I am new to D&D (and DMing!) and I'm looking to host a one-shot near Galasheils - would anyone be up for joining and making me feel a bit less nervous?
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Antonio H
Hi folks, I am looking for a Star Wars or other sci-fi tabletop RPG game to play with friends in or near Galasheils, I used to play a long time ago but haven't in a while so any suggestions would be much appreciated!
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"Hi everyone! I am looking to join a local Dungeons & Dragons group who are open to me DMing a one-shot and who are an LGBTQ+ friendly environment. If you know anyone, please let me know!"
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