Listings in Evesham

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Evesham

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Added about 15 hours ago


Experienced, but rusty. 52, male. I'm open to trying most systems. I have a stack of unread systems, possibly something other than D&D if you fancy it? Feel free to contact me and lets see if we can make some games happen!

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Added 9 days ago


New to 5e wanting to learn ...

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Added 10 days ago


Have played pc fames since .....don't care to remember....played a lot of Neverwinter Nights with DMs back in tge day. Now me my son and friends are looking to play 5e online...he has DMed a few games . We want to play through The Lost Mines of Phandelver...but need a maybe one or two more players. That's the main reason for reaching out. Cheers.

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I've been playing TTRPGs for over 10 years, including D&D, Pathfinder, Blades in the Dark, World of Darkness as well as others. I'm looking for a campaign with a mix of roleplaying and encounters.

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Shondra W

Hi everyone, I'm new to Pathfinder and feeling a bit overwhelmed, but really interested in learning how to play. Are there any local or online Pathfinder groups I can join and get started?

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Amb. C

Hello everyone! I'm new to Pathfinder and am looking for a local group to join - is anyone in the area willing to help a nervous newbie get started?

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Hi everyone, I'm new to the area and I'm looking for a Dungeons & Dragons game to join in Worcestershire- any advice or recommendations for a group that welcomes new players would be greatly appreciated!

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