Listings in Chepstow

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Chepstow

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Lord of the Rings

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Lord of the Rings

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Haven't played d&d since 2e. Easy going. Interested in playing again.

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Allan M

about joining a new group Hey everyone! I'm new to D&D 5e and looking for a group to join around here - is anyone interested in meeting up? I'm a bit nervous, so any advice or helpful tips would be great!

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Eusebia S

Does anyone know where I can find a D&D 5e game in my area, without homebrew rule sets?

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Hey everyone, I'm looking for a new player to join my existing D&D game in Gwent, but I'm a bit nervous so please let me know if you have any questions!

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See also