Listings in Ammanford
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Ammanford

Been playing for about a year, just moved to wales looking for a group to join
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Porthcawl and Bridgend Social (25-35years)
livia Nikki Rihanna ... We want you to socialise and meet new people aged approximately 25-35 years old. Our aim is to find friends and build real relationships. At these meetings, we will usually drink, go out for coffee or a pub lunch, go to meal places, or plan larger events like festivals. Events are free but you will need to pay for your own costs. Recently we have had drinks, a catch-up and drinks, introductions, and drinks. Our organizer is Laura, and there are currently 94 members.
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Welsh Weyr Gaming Group
The Welsh Weyr Gaming Club provides entertainment to fans of Table Top Figure Games, Board Games, Collectable Card Games, Role Playing Games, and Computer & Console Games. Our location is in the Amman Valley area of South Wales, UK. Each Sunday, from 3 PM to 7 PM, we meet.
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