Listings in West Glamorgan
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in West Glamorgan
All listings in West Glamorgan

Anonymous1862 (Swansea)
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for a board game club in or near my area! I'm a bit nervous, but any advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)
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Chi M (Port Talbot)
Hi everyone, I'm an experienced D&D player looking for a group locally to DM a one-shot for. Anyone interested?
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Anonymous3322 (Port Talbot)
Hi everyone, I recently moved to the area and am looking for a board game club where I can make some new friends. Do you know of any in person or online forums?
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Sen. T (Swansea)
Hey guys, looking for a player in or around Swansea for an existing 5th Edition D&D game, no homebrew systems!
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Darci S (Swansea)
Are there any Board game clubs in West Glamorgan that would welcome an experienced Board game player?
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Bree L (Port Talbot)
I'm new to TTRPGs and I'm looking for any local groups that might be open to teaching me the ropes.
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