Listings in Perthshire
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Perthshire
All listings in Perthshire

Michael (Perth)
Shy person. Looking to try D&D never played before so know nothing. Total beginner
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Your Bard (Blairgowrie)
Gamer for 40 years. Loves board games, looking for a new D&D group in person to run or play.
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Alasdair (Perth)
Board games (love catan but always happy to try new ones) Got an old warhammer lord of the rings collection I'd like to dust off. D&D
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Purdie (Perth)
Looking to attend board game nights and learn a new hobby. Would love to learn DD.
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Josh (Blairgowrie)
Forever DM ooking for players and maybe even a DM who wants to take the reigns.
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Musonana (Pitlochry)
Hi, just moved to Pitlochry and looking to join a table top/board game group and have some fun!
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