Listings in Peeblesshire
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Peeblesshire
All listings in Peeblesshire

Whitmuir Family-friendly Game Night (West Linton)
We run a family friendly board game night at Whitmuir cafe every Wednesday fortnight, from 6pm-9pm. Free entry, plenty of parking, and cafe serving teas, coffees, cakes, along with snack menu of soup & toasties etc. We play games like Just One, Love Letter, Bohnanza, Sushi Go, 7 Wonders, Cascadia, Azul, Carcassonne, Catan, plus many more. Always people on hand to teach new games, or feel free to bring your own.
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Stephen (West Linton)
I enjoy playing a range of modern boardgames from medium weight euros like Wingspan, Everdell, Concordia, Great Western Trail, Castles of Burgundy, as well as heavier longer games like Brass, Hegemony, Eclipse and Twilight Imperium.
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Rickey S (West Linton)
Looking to join a D&D 5e game near {insert location}, preferably on the experienced side - any leads?
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Anonymous7672 (West Linton)
Hi there, I'm looking for a new player to join my existing Dungeons & Dragons game either in person or online; I'm especially interested in players that like homebrew content!
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Anonymous291 (West Linton)
Hey folks, I'm looking for a D&D group in or near West Linton who'd be open to having me DM a one-shot using some homebrew content. Anyone interested?
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