Listings in Glasgow

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Glasgow

All listings in Glasgow

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Added 8 days ago

RoboChad (Glasgow)

Dnd 🫡

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sonialively (Glasgow)

Just anything to be fair! Still new to dnd

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Malyson (Glasgow)

Tabletop games, boardgames, RPGs. I've been getting into judge dredd I am the law recently. Big 40k fan very intrigued by trench Crusade. Massive star wars fan, not played Legion but own it.

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Umair (Glasgow)

Love board games and card games plenty of experience with the casual card games and board games. Been wanting to get into DnD even have a few characters made but plans with other groups fell through. Would also love playing Risk as I have experience with the online version. Catan also seems like something that would be amazing to give a go.

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Steve (Glasgow)

Retired, interested in TTRPG midweek afternoons / evenings. Ideally, fantasy setting, something simpler than 5e. (Enjoyment shouldn't require reading 300 pages). I am impressed by 5 torches deep, Knave, Cypher System, Cairn.

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Sean Glasgow (Glasgow)

New 40k player with a thousand sons army. Used to play 2nd and 3rd edition many moons ago Looking to meet fellow adult gamers to indulge in some heresy

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Alex (Glasgow)

Looking for a D&D campaign I. The Glasgow area. Ideally in person.

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Pirkage (Glasgow)

Played one campaign as a player, currently running a game as a DM

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George (Glasgow)

I’m looking for a group to play dungeons and dragons , I have never played before but I am keen to learn how to play as it looks interesting.

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Nicole (Glasgow)

A 65 year old man seeking other OCS gamers in the area.

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